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Report Hate

Everyone has the right to report hate crime. If you believe you have been the victim of a hate crime committed in the State of Illinois, you may report it regardless of your place of residence or immigration status.

If you need to report a crime or fear your safety, call 911 immediately.

Tell the police that you believe you have been a victim of a hate crime.

Here are important points to remember when reporting a crime to law enforcement:

  • Record what happened, including the exact words that were said. Save all evidence. Get names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails of other victims and witnesses.
  • File a police report. Tell the officer to check the hate crime box on the report. Ask for a personal copy for your records.
Some hate incidents are not crimes.

Learn more about the distinctions between hate incidents, hate crime, and discrimination.

Why Should I Report?

Reporting crimes can help deter future crimes. Hate incidents and crimes harm entire communities, violating their sense of safety and belonging. Reporting hate crimes sends a message that the community will not tolerate these kinds of crimes. Reporting hate crimes can help stop the cycle of violence. 

Reporting allows victims to access resources. Reporting hate crimes allows people to access programs and resources, including the Illinois Attorney General’s Crime Victims Compensation program, which assists victims in paying bills and expenses that result from acts of violence.

Reporting also provides important data about the climate in our communities and guides us -- individuals, communities, law enforcement, and policy makers – to act. Hate crime data is used to direct resources, funding, and policy. 

If no crimes are reported, hate crime become invisible and unstoppable. 

For Additional Help Reporting Hate Crimes

Begin with your local police department. The below resources are not a substitute for filing a police report with your local law enforcement agency. In an emergency, dial 9-1-1.

Call Your Local Police Department: Some law enforcement agencies have special units to investigate hate crimes, such as the Chicago Police Department’s Civil Rights Unit and the Cook County Sheriff’s Discrimination Hotline (call 773-674-HELP) 

For Victim Assistance, including help filing a police report: 

  • Contact a trusted community-based organization for help and support.  

  • In Chicago, the Chicago Commission on Human Relations provides victim advocacy services to victims of hate crimes -- Visit Hate Crime Victim Assistance

File a Hate Crime Complaint with the Illinois Office of the Attorney General.

The Illinois Attorney General cannot obtain financial compensation or file a criminal case on your behalf. The Illinois Attorney only has the authority to seek injunctive or other equitable relief and civil penalties on behalf of the People of the State, and may do so only after consulting with the local State's Attorney.

Report a hate crime to the Federal Bureau of Investigation: Report online at or call 1-800-CALL-FBI