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A CDHC Learning Series Event:

Violence, Conflict, and Building a More Civil Society

A Conversation with Curtis Toler

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Join the CDHC with Curtis Toler, Director of Outreach for Chicago CRED

Join the Illinois Commission on Hate Crimes & Discrimination for an evocative conversation about community violence intervention and political violence, and how we might build a more civil society. During the facilitated conversation, Curtis will share his story and experience, focusing on practical tools and resources to effectively manage conflict and prevent violence.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
This virtual event is open to all.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
RSVP Requested - Click to Register

This free, virtual program is accessible to all and is scheduled in this year's United Against Hate Week.

Meet Our Speaker & Moderators

Curtis Toler

Director of Outreach for Chicago CRED

Curtis Toler’s journey to becoming one of Chicago’s leading authorities on gang culture began as a youth growing up on Chicago’s south side. Finding his mothered ruthlessly murdered by his stepfather led Toler on a path in search of power and respect. Curt eventually found himself in the company of one of Chicago’s most respected gangsters since Al Capone – the unrivaled Jeff Fort, leader of the Blackstone Rangers (also known as EL Rukns). Curt joined the organization, and quickly rose to a position of leadership.

Tragically, a close friend of Toler’s, was kidnapped and murdered. Curt fully understood the fate of continuing life as a gang leader and opted out for a second chance to do life differently. He left the gang. 

Curt now works as the Director of Outreach for Chicago Cred, a violence reduction organization led by the former Secretary of Education, Arnie Duncan. Toler is leading the charge of training a new generation of violence interrupters and outreach specialists. Learn more about Curtis Toler’s work on Chicago CRED's website.

Anita Banerji

CDHC Commissioner and Senior Director of Strategy and External Relations, Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation

Marvet Sweis

CDHC Commissioner and Trial Attorney, Taxman, Pollock, Murray & Bekkerman, LLC