A CDHC Learning Series Event:
Violence, Conflict, and Building a More Civil Society
A Conversation with Curtis Toler
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Meet Our Speaker & Moderators
Curtis Toler
Director of Outreach for Chicago CRED
Curtis Toler’s journey to becoming one of Chicago’s leading authorities on gang culture began as a youth growing up on Chicago’s south side. Finding his mothered ruthlessly murdered by his stepfather led Toler on a path in search of power and respect. Curt eventually found himself in the company of one of Chicago’s most respected gangsters since Al Capone – the unrivaled Jeff Fort, leader of the Blackstone Rangers (also known as EL Rukns). Curt joined the organization, and quickly rose to a position of leadership.
Tragically, a close friend of Toler’s, was kidnapped and murdered. Curt fully understood the fate of continuing life as a gang leader and opted out for a second chance to do life differently. He left the gang.
Curt now works as the Director of Outreach for Chicago Cred, a violence reduction organization led by the former Secretary of Education, Arnie Duncan. Toler is leading the charge of training a new generation of violence interrupters and outreach specialists. Learn more about Curtis Toler’s work on Chicago CRED's website.